3Eliminate Tax Rate Sunsets Dedicated to Capital Projects ...
... and Otherwise Increase Financing Flexibility Where Doing So Could Accelerate Essential Infrastructure Projects
One example of this type of opportunity relates to the ¼ of 1 percent tax dedicated to water and waste water programs in southern Nevada. NRS 377B.100 currently requires the ordinance imposing this tax to provide for the cessation of the tax when the total sum collected exceeds $2.3 billion, or on June 30, 2025, whichever is later. The combination of the prolonged decline in taxable sales and the long-term needs for water and wastewater capital investment has rendered the original projections for this financing program obsolete. Consideration should be given to repealing the sunsets for both the dollar amount and the time frame. This strategy could be immediately effectuated by amending NRS 377B to remove the sunset on ¼ cent water and wastewater infrastructure tax in Clark County.
Estimated Impact | ||
Jobs | Wages & Salaries | Economic Activity |
3,077 | $180,721,002 | $417,177,103 |
Along these same lines, there may be instances where changing legislatively imposed requirements relating to bonding may benefit from increased flexibility. For instance, bonds for capital projects are generally limited to terms of less than 30 years. However, in a limited number of cases, such as projects which generate user fees or for which the useful life of the asset extends beyond 30 years, there may be instances where longer financing terms may be useful to accelerating the timeline of a needed capital project.
Lifting the statutory restriction in favor of a case-by-case assessment of the most appropriate term for each project may free up additional capacity in the near term. The interest tradeoff may be material, but the increased flexibility may prove useful and could have a material impact on job creation and/or preserving existing jobs. In assessing the potential for longer-term financing, the benefits of additional leverage should be carefully analyzed against any additional interest cost which may be incurred; and, use of such mechanisms as capital appreciation bonds or refunding of existing bonds should be undertaken only if justified by economic and fiscal benefits. Notably, amending NRS 408.273 to permit bond maturities up to 30 years for state highway bonds (not contingent on Nevada receiving federal highway funds) may be a meaningful first step. Currently, maturities are limited to 20 years.